Metairie Attorney Family Law Practice Areas

The Right Metairie Attorney for Family and Domestic Matters

Right now, you may be worried about your future, your finances, and the future of your children. Family legal disputes present a tough road, and I can help you travel that road in the most effective direction.

If you are struggling with divorce or other family issues, never underestimate the importance of having a resourceful, compassionate attorney. We encourage you to contact Metairie attorney Debra Kesler and schedule a consultation as soon as possible.

Areas of Practice


Divorce can be uncontested, or highly contentious and complex. In all cases, we will point out your options, and help you carefully negotiate division of assets, child custody and visitation. Our mission is to give every client extra effort to protect their interests, as well as what’s right for the children – and ensure that you get as much right as possible the first time.

Child Custody

Metairie attorney Debra Kesler places special emphasis on child custody and visitation matters. We understand that these issues can be the most stressful and hotly disputed portion of any case. We believe that your attorney should recognize your desires and those of your child, while striving to find the best possible outcome.

Child Support

When deciding child support in Louisiana, the court will look to both parents to contribute to the expenses of raising a child. We represent both mothers and fathers in the in all aspects of child support agreements.

Alimony/Spousal Support

Either party to a divorce may request spousal support. Several factors affect the payment of alimony by one spouse to another. Both parties may come to an agreement of financial support, or the court may order spousal support payments.

Community Property Settlements

Louisiana is a community property state. Unless both parties can agree on property division, all assets acquired during your marriage will be divided by the court. Metairie attorney Kesler will carefully identify the full extent of the community estate so your assets will be distributed fairly and ethically.

Modification Orders

Have your circumstances changed? Modification of custody, child support, alimony and relocation agreements can often be achieved if either party’s circumstances change significantly.


When a custodial parent wants to relocate a child away from the other parent, particularly outside of the State of Louisiana, many factors come into play. Conferring with an experienced New Orleans divorce lawyer is the first step towards dealing with this critical issue.

Enforcement Proceedings

If your ex-spouse does not obey the orders of the court, whether it involves child custody, visitation, support, relocation or other decisions, it becomes necessary to enforce the court order with legal action. In these situations, you need a competent, qualified attorney to protect your rights.

Grandparent Rights

The courts consider many factors in the awarding of grandparent custody and visitation rights in Louisiana. Metairie attorney Debra Kesler will fully advise you of your options regarding your grandchildren, and will work to ensure your grandchildren are protected.


A prenuptial, or premarital, agreement is a contract designed to protect your assets once you become married. This is especially important, as Louisiana is a community property state. Metairie attorney Debra Kesler will skillfully help you establish financial boundaries that will determine each person's rights in the event of a divorce.


We excel at reviewing or preparing postnuptial agreements for couples who wish to determine the division of their assets and property, debts, and alimony, in the event of divorce or death.


The Louisiana paternity process is a serious matter, and paternity disputes carry life-long repercussions if not handled properly. Whether you are the child’s mother seeking to establish paternity, or the biological father seeking to protect your rights to a meaningful relationship with your child, we will provide you with compassionate and highly effective legal representation.


I practice in all areas of adoption, and represent prospective parents, stepparents, grandparents, and others in order to provide stable homes and loving families to babies, children and adolescents through adoption.


Do you have an elder family member, or disabled adult child, who is unable to make some or all decisions for themselves? Under Louisiana law, Metairie attorney Kesler works closely with families who wish to put an interdiction in place to protect and secure the lifestyle of loved ones who are physically or mentally incapacitated.

Collaborative Law

Collaborative law - or collaborative divorce - focuses on dispute resolution through the help of a qualified attorney. Using a problem-solving approach, this process avoids court, and keeps control of the divorce settlement in your hands (not the court’s.)

Protective Orders

If you are faced with domestic violence, we are able to help you seek legal protection from your abuser. We can help you with Emergency Temporary Restraining Orders, Temporary Restraining Orders and Long-term Protective Orders.

Contact Metairie Attorney Kesler Today

I am confident that our experience, knowledge and compassion will give you the strength and structure to move beyond this difficult period in your life. Contact us today to schedule an initial consultation to see how we can help.

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